Alexander Demin, a programmer.

I live, I love and I do programming.


I’m a native Russian speaker, as the fates decree started to write in English. The majority of my posts were originally written for the Russian version of the blog and then translated into English. I do my best gradually improving my skills in this language. So, I do appreciate any feedback, comments, corrections, or advices.

Also, some of the links (Amazon) on site have my referral id, which provides me with a small commission for each sale. Thank you for your understanding.


** 54 3F 3F 71 20 2F 25 74 3F 65 76 67 75 5F 66 
20 2F 65 72 20 6F 72 67 67 72 65 20 67 75 2F 3E 
20 66 68 63 72 65 70 3F 5F 63 68 67 72 65 66 **

If you figure out what it means, please, let me know.

Who has solved the puzzle so far: