Pointer cast bug in Codegear (Borland) C++ compiler

Here is the trivial program (bcc32_5.93_cast_bug.cpp):

class A {};
class C {};
A* a;
A* b = static_cast<C*>(a);

When using bcc32.exe (version 5.93) from the Codegear RAD Studio 2007:

bcc32 -c bcc32_5.93_cast_bug.cpp

It dies with an internal compiler error:

CodeGear C++ 5.93 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2007 CodeGear
Fatal F1004 bcc32_5.93_cast_bug.cpp 4: Internal compiler error at 0x44b34e with base 0x400000
Fatal F1004 bcc32_5.93_cast_bug.cpp 4: Internal compiler error

Nice one. I love internal compiler errors. Do you have some similar stuff in your collection?

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