Being “a low-level guy” by nature, I couldn’t miss the Forth language in life. Forth occupies an interesting niche: on one hand it is a high-level assembler, allowing to write almost on the assembly language, and on the other hand it allows to quickly build sophisticated high-level interactive systems, even with introspection but also staying at an adequate level of performance.
I know that C is THE low-level assembler, and when it is used properly it generates code very close to the assembly. But nevertheless there are some systems still where the C compiler is difficult to implement efficiently. For example, I wanted a C compiler for Intel 8080 to write a program for Radio-86RK. So far, I have found only a couple derivatives of the famous Small-C – smallc-85 and smallc-scc3 which compile and work.
Unfortunately, even for trivial code:
main() {
static char a;
for (a = 1; a < 10; ++a) {
It generates the following rubbish:
;main() {
; static char a;
?2: ds 1
; for (a = 1; a < 10; ++a) {
lxi h,?2
push h
lxi h,1
pop d
call ?pchar
lxi h,?2
call ?gchar
push h
lxi h,10
pop d
call ?lt
mov a,h
ora l
jnz ?5
jmp ?6
lxi h,?2
push h
call ?gchar
inx h
pop d
call ?pchar
jmp ?3
; ++a;
lxi h,?2
push h
call ?gchar
inx h
pop d
call ?pchar
; }
jmp ?4
Agreed, there are a lot of questions to the compiler, but in general Intel 8080 isn’t quite friendly for the C compiler: no multiplication and division, no indirect addressing on the stack, etc.
Okay, back to Forth. When thinking about Forth for I8080 I wrote a handy macro assembler (it’ll be a separate blog post) and along the way remembered about my old project back to FidoNet times: F-CODE. To obfuscate the code against tracing and disassembling I implemented a micro Forth kernel with direct threading.
“Implemented a micro Forth kernel” sounds “cool” but in reality the direct threading code interpreter is almost trivial:
; F-Code Address Interpreter
GetNext$: cld
mov si, IP$
mov IP$, si
CALLR$: add RP$, 2
mov bp, RP$
mov ax, IP$
mov [bp], ax
pop word ptr IP$
RETR$: mov bp, RP$
mov ax, [bp]
mov IP$, ax
sub RP$, 2
NEXT$: call GetNext$
jmp ax
osPush$: call GetNext$
push ax
jmp NEXT$
Plus, a few extra primitives implemented in assembly:
; Adc ( a b -> c isCarry )
; if a+b>FFFF isCarry = FFFF else isCarry=0
osAdc$: pop ax dx ; -> a b
add ax, dx
sbb dx, dx
push ax dx ; c isCarry ->
; osSwap ( a b -> b a )
osSwap$: pop ax bx
push ax bx
; osRot ( a b c -> b c a )
osRot$: pop ax bx cx
push bx ax cx
osPut$: add RP$, 2
mov bp, RP$
pop word ptr [bp]
osGet$: mov bp, RP$
push word ptr [bp]
sub RP$, 2
osDrop$: add sp, 2
; osNor ( a b -> a NOR b )
osNor$: pop ax bx
or ax, bx
not ax
push ax
osTrap$: int 3
; osPeek ( addr -> value )
osPeek$: pop bx
push word ptr [bx]
; osPoke ( Value Addr -> )
osPoke$: pop bx ; -> Value Addr
pop word ptr [bx] ; ->
Now we have a complete stack machine which we can program. Obviously, when tracing or disassembling the threaded code there are only jumps back and fourth making it very difficult for reverse engineering (the purpose of the obfuscation). If you’re curious you may try digging into This little program asks a password which you need to guest/crack/patch/etc. Note that this is a DOS binary, so it needs, for instance, DOSBox to run.
For example, code to compute CRC on this stack machine:
CalcCRC: CALLR ; ->
ofPush 0 ; CRC
ofPush 0 ; CRC 0
ofPeekb Buffer+1 ; CRC 0 Size
$For ; CRC
osI ; CRC i
ofPush Buffer+2 ; CRC i Buffer+2
osAdd ; CRC Addr
osPeekb ; CRC Value
osExch ; CRC Value*256
$For 0, 8 ; CRC Value
osShl ; CRC Value*2 isCarry
osRot ; Value*2 isCarry CRC
osSwap ; Value*2 CRC isCarry
osRcl ; Value*2 CRC*2 isCarry
$If <>0 ; Value*2 CRC*2
ofXor 8408h ; Value*2 CRC*2^Const
osSwap ; CRC*2 Value*2
$Loop ; CRC Value*2
osDrop ; CRC
$Loop ; CRC
Awesome, right?
When working on F-CODE a simple preprocessor for the assembler language was born allowing to write code like this:
lea dx, msg2
cmp bh, 3
$if <>0
lea dx, msg1
cmp dx, 0C0DEh
$if =0
lea dx, msg2
mov cx, 2
cmp ax, 1
$EndDo =
dec cx
$EndDo Loop
Store ds, si, ax
cmp al, 1
$if <>0
Store ax, bx, cx, es, bp
$EndDo Loop
Similar to other projects back in DOS times I wrote the preprocessor in Turbo Pascal.
Of course the F-CODE project now has predominantly historical value, although nothing stops to implement the interpreter, for instance, in JavaScript and then re-use existing primitives without any changes.
The F-CODE project is available at GitHub –
It requires TASM/TLINK and Turbo Pascal 5.+ to build. Obviously, it also requires DOS to run.
P.S. By the way, people develop quite sophisticated software in Forth. For example, nnbackup is fully written in Forth.